Fashion, Apparel, Interior Design (FAID) Pathway

  • Fashion, Apparel and Interior Design Pathway logo Fashion, Apparel and Interior designers combine the principles and elements of design, production processes and maintenance techniques with the needs of humans to create four-dimensional designs. Actual experiences with textiles, interior spaces, and apparel in which the design elements and principles are used to create an environment and/or item that fits a need, is appropriate for the user/consumer but also conveys physical comfort and positive emotion. The use of space, color, texture and styling combined with an individual's unique creativity are used to build a foundation for careers in the fashion, apparel and interior design fields.

    Your Options

    • Non-Transfer program available at all five high schools

Career Opportunities

    • Interior Designer
    • Furnishings Coordinator
    • Fashion Illustrator
    • Textile Designer
    • Fashion Designer
    • Set/Exhibit Designer
    • Visual Merchandiser
    • Interior Architect
    • Advertising Designer
    • Digital Photographer

Sequence of Courses

Course Title Academy/Program Grade Level Pathway Level Credit
Art I 7-8 0.5
Art II 7-8 0.5
Art III 8 0.5
Focus on FACS 6 0.25
Introduction to Apparel Production 7-8 0.5
Introduction to Fashion, Apparel & Interior Design (FAID) 7-8 0.5
Career and Life Planning 9-10 Introductory 0.5
Introduction to Design I 21st Century: Design 9 Introductory 0.5
Apparel Production I 9-12 Technical 0.5
Apparel Production II 10-12 Technical 0.5
Essentials of Fashion, Apparel, Interior Design 9-12 Technical 0.5
Fashion Trends I 9-12 Technical 0.5
Fashion Trends II 10-12 Technical 0.5
Interior Design I 9-12 Technical 0.5
Interior Design II 10-12 Technical 0.5
Career Connections 12 Application 0.5
FAID Studio 12 Application 1.0

Credit Info - Fashion, Apparel, Interior Design

  • To be considered a CTE Completer in the pathway, students must complete 3.0 credits within the course sequence and earn an industry recognized, comprehensive certification or pass a third-party, end-of-pathway assessment. At least 2.0 of the required 3.0 required credits must be a combination of technical and application level courses.

    Offered at: Olathe East, Olathe North, Olathe Northwest, Olathe South, Olathe West

High School and Graduation Planning