Workers' Compensation Coverage

  • Injured While at Work

    Employees should report all work-related injuries immediately to the Risk Management Department and their supervisor.

    • If the injury is life or limb threatening, call 911.
    • If the injury is not critical, and the employee wishes to seek medical attention, they must first call the Risk Management Department, 913-780-8051.
    • Work-related injuries occurring after regular business hours must be reported to the Risk Management Department the next business day.
    • Employees should be taken to Olathe Medical Center in the case of a life-threatening emergency, otherwise they will be sent to a designated health care clinic, per the direction of the Risk Management Department.

    Medical Treatment

    Medical treatment must be authorized by the Risk Management Department. The District's workers' compensation plan will provide coverage for medical expenses and wages to the extent required by statute. The amount of workers' compensation benefits and paid leave benefits shall not exceed the regular daily rate of pay. Whenever an employee is absent from work and is receiving workers' compensation benefits due to a work-related injury (or is receiving district paid disability insurance), the employee will use available paid sick leave to supplement the workers' compensation (or district paid disability insurance payments). Workers' compensation benefits and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) benefits provided in a board-approved plan shall run concurrently if both are applicable.

    Any employee who is off work and receiving workers' compensation benefits shall be required to provide the Risk Management Department with a written doctor's release before the employee is allowed to return to work. In addition, should the employee be released to return to work by a doctor and fail to do so, all benefits under paid leave shall terminate, and those benefits under worker's compensation shall be restricted as provided by current statute.

    Workers' compensation coverage is provided for all employees regardless of assignment, length of assignment, and/or hours worked per day as required by current statute. Benefits are for personal injury from accidents or industrial diseases arising out of and in the course of employment in the district. An injured employee must notify the Risk Management Department and his or her supervisor within 30 days of the injury or within 30 days of repetitive trauma in order to be eligible for benefits.

    Reference BOE policy

    Certified: GAOE

    Classified: GCOE