A.L.I.C.E Training

  • A.L.I.C.E trains employees and substitutes regarding the enhanced protocol of how to handle an intruder in the building.

    A - Alert

    L - Lockdown

    I - Inform

    C - Communicate

    E - Evacuate


    Alice Elementary Training 

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/8cZddvD8e1E


    Alice Secondary Training 

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/UHDZvgwBRzE

Substitute Training Resource Center

  • You can find links to self paced learning, substitute teachervue handbook, and training modules on the Substitute Training Resource Center digital hub. The professional learning opportunities are organized by topic. Professional development points for relicensure are available. 


Information and Training

  • What is Class Link?

  • Microsoft Office 365 and Outlook Email

  • What if I need help with technology?

  • How do I reset a password?

  • What if I need help with curriculum or assessments?

  • How do I request professional development points?

  • Can I work with Olathe USD 233 to renew my license?

General Information

Substitute Resources

  • STEDI.org offers a wealth of information on improving your skills and knowledge in order to become a excellent substitute teacher.  Founded at Utah State University, STEDI.org provides researched based training materials and services designed to improve student achievement.