Ken Roberts - Honored in 2018

  • photo of Ken Roberts Olathe High School Class of 1963

    (July 16, 1945 —      )

    After graduating from Washburn University and being employed in Topeka as an educator, Ken moved to Olathe in 1972 where he has been a valued member of the school district and community. He found early on that he enjoyed working with elementary students very much and held positions as teacher and principal during his career in Olathe. His first principalship was at Countryside Elementary, and he later opened both Black Bob and Heatherstone elementary schools where he was principal for 17 and 12 years, respectively. Many remember him greeting students each morning and helping them find their bus at day’s end. He retired with 39 years as an educator, with 33 as a building principal. As of 2018, he has had the longest tenure as an Olathe principal. He has been involved with Johnson County and Olathe spelling bees, started outdoor education programs and received numerous awards for his service. Ken also coached several sports leagues and continues to serve on local boards in our community. He is a man who lives by his code of ethics, thereby creating a love of family and community with all who have the pleasure of knowing him.