- Olathe Public Schools
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- Client-Connected Projects
Work-Based Learning
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Client-Connected Projects
Client-connected projects are authentic problems which students solve in collaboration with professionals from industry, not-for-profit, or community-based organizations.
Client-Connected Projects are MVA-level (Market Value Assets) experiences when they are…
- Sourced (at least sponsored) by the client
- Supplementary to students’ professional network
- Resume-worthy (meaningful)
- At least 24 hours of work, with at least 4 hours engaged with the client
- Jointly evaluated
What should be considered in planning the content of the project? Who should lead?
Step 1: Evaluate Work
- What work is available?
- Is the work appropriate for student involvement?
- Which work optimizes student and organizational needs?
- Who would be most appropriate to serve as the primary client contact?
Step 2: Set Appropriate Goals
- What would make this client-project experience a success for the employer?
- Which critical skills can be developed throughout this project?
- Self-directed learning
- Adaptive problem solving
- Project management
- Documenting problem-solving process
- Communicate and collaborate
- Create value for others
- Seek and use feedback
Step 3: Set Project Expectations: Establish project parameters to help students understand the project and plan execution
- Key challenge/problem statement
- Student goals
- Engagement with SMEs
- Feedback and reflection cycle
- Documentation of approach
- Finished product
Step 4: Create Timeline
- Establish key milestones for students
- Ideate back-up plans for any surprises
Guide and Proposals
The Real-World Learning Guide to Client-Conjected Projects provides additional information. Please click here to access the guide.
Our team welcomes proposals for client-connected projects. Please reach out to a career pathways facilitator for more information.