Community Resources: Secure Weapon Storage

  • While our primary focus as a school district is education, we recognize the importance of fostering a safe environment for all students, both in and out of school. Secure weapon storage is one of many factors that contribute to this shared goal of safety.

    One valuable resource is the Be SMART program website, which focuses on raising awareness about secure firearm storage to prevent accidents, injuries, and tragedies involving children. Be SMART emphasizes five key steps:

    • Secure all guns in your home and vehicles.
    • Model responsible behavior around firearms.
    • Ask about unsecured guns in other homes.
    • Recognize the risks of teen suicide.
    • Tell your peers to be SMART.

    We want to emphasize that our role is not to promote or advocate for specific practices, but rather to provide access to information and resources that can help families make informed decisions. By offering this resource and connecting families to programs like Be SMART, we aim to support the well-being of our students and the broader community.