- Olathe Public Schools
- Outdoor Recess
Outdoor Recess Guidelines
Cold-Related Conditions
Outdoor recess will be held if:
- Outside air temperature and/or wind chill is 20° (F) or greater
- There is no falling precipitation
Limited outdoor recess will be held if:
- Outside air temperature and/or wind chill is between 10° and 19° (F)
- There is no falling precipitation
Indoor recess will be held if:
- Outside air temperature and/or wind chill is lower than 10° (F) or there is falling precipitation
Heat-Related Conditions
Regular recess:
- If the outside temperature or heat index is less than 95° (F)
Limited outdoor recess:
- Students may go out for a portion of their normal recess during the school day using the following guidelines for students and staff when the temperature or heat index is between 95° and 102° (F)
- Limit (as practical) outdoor recess, physical education classes and other activity.
- Make sure abundant water is available and frequent breaks are given.
- Consider allowing students to use water bottles in order to pre-hydrate.
- Watch for signs of heat cramps, heat exhaustion or heat strokes.
Indoor recess:
- It is recommended that students and staff remain inside when the temperature or heat index is 103° (F) or greater.
Caution for students with asthma, allergies and other health-related respiratory conditions:
- Students with identified health-related issues will follow their individual health plans. When an orange or red skycast is given, the air quality is such that people who suffer from asthma, allergies and other health-related respiratory conditions are at a greater risk.
- Identify students (check with nurse) who have asthmatic conditions.
- Closely watch students for respiratory distress symptoms.
- Limit (as needed) outdoor activities for these students.
- If respiratory symptoms present themselves, have available a physician's prescribed medication or obtain medical treatment.