Requesting a Gym or Multi-Purpose Room

  • Direct all inquiries to the Office of Facility Usage, 913-780-8196, FAX 913-780-8189 or email The district maintains first priority in the use of buildings, reserving the right to approve or deny requests. All confirmed events are subject to cancellation if the facility is required for district use or educational purposes.

    List every date you are requesting. Providing a request with “weekly 10-2 through 5-30” may result in the request being returned to you and delaying the approval process.

    When the district approves your request, you will be notified by U.S. mail or via email. Please allow two to three weeks for approval. Requests are approved in the order they are received.

    Do not ask for more time than you need. The district will not charge rental fees for dates which are canceled for a school activity. A processing fee may be charged for each change and cancellation initiated by you after approval of your original request.

    Individuals, groups and organizations requesting building use must have an address within the boundaries of the school district, and a minimum of 75 percent of the users of the building must reside within the district’s boundaries. If requested by the district, a list of participants’ names, addresses and phone numbers must be submitted to the Facility Usage Office within 10 days of approval. The district reserves the right to request an update of the list at any time during the tenure of use. Failure to comply with the 75 percent user residency requirement may result in cancellation of the usage.

    School facilities are not available for programs that the school district would not sponsor. Buildings are not available to individuals or groups for profit, personal gain, commercial interest or political meeting.

    The user and his/her organization or group (Responsible Party) shall be liable for damages or loss to the building or equipment.

    Custodial services must be performed by district custodial/maintenance personnel.

    The manufacture, dispensing, possession, use, consumption, or distribution of illicit drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco on district property or at school district activities is prohibited.

    Rental fees are invoiced the month following use and must be paid within 30 days. Fees may be assessed at time of approval. Current fees are subject to change by Board of Education action.

    Forty-eight hours WRITTEN NOTICE is required to the Office of Facility Usage when canceling any/all of approved use.

    In the event of inclement weather resulting in the cancellation of evening school activities, all facility rental activities are automatically canceled as well. If school is canceled or the district is closed due to inclement weather, all facility rental activities are automatically canceled. Parking lots are not cleared or snow and ice specifically for facility rental events. Updated cancellation information can be found on the district website.

    Please contact the Office of Facility Usage, 913-780-8196, if you desire a detailed copy of the District Facility Non-School Usage Policies as approved by the Board of Education. It is also available on the district website.

    Because the Facility Usage Office is closed on weekends, the district makes available a weekend on-call custodian to handle any unexpected issues for those events scheduled on a Saturday or Sunday. If needed, the on-call number is 913-515-6746.

    NOTE: The Responsible Party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Unified School District 233, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all liability, damages, expenses, or attorney fees of whatever kind of nature arising out of your use of district facilities or property.

Gym and Multi-Purpose Room Request Form